Practice Name Change
Shepperton PhysioFirst Centre was established in Terminal House, Station Road, Shepperton in 1998.
Having worked in Shepperton Health Centre as an NHS physiotherapist, Janine Jones identified a need in the area for a private physiotherapist. She worked happily in Station Road until 2012, when building works started on the retirement apartments on the site of the’ Crossroads’ pub opposite. It then became difficult for visitors to the practice to park, as there was a constant flow of builder’s vans and lorries. Not what you want if you have a pain that stops you walking for long distances!
When the apartments were finished, the situation didn’t improve as there was still a parking problem. There are twenty-one apartments on the site and only six parking spaces. It was then that Janine decided to move the practice to her home in Weybridge. This took place in May 2013, and clients loyally followed.
Bringing us to the present day, Janine renamed and divided the practice into two clinics: ‘Janine Jones Physiotherapy’ and ‘Janine Jones Acupuncture’. This reflects both the change in venue, and the expanding of the acupuncture practice into areas where there is increased demand – e.g. for support with Fertility and Women’s Health issues.
The practice is larger and in a purpose – built building in the garden, where it is surrounded by greenery. A lovely quiet place to work and be treated, with plenty of free parking, and a short distance to walk